Sunday 12 April 2015

Hausfrau by Jill Alexander Essbaum

Thanks to NetGalley and Pan Macmillan, I received a copy of this in exchange for an honest review.....

Anna was a good wife, mostly . . .

Meet Anna Benz, an American in her late 30's and  lives with her husband and three young children in Dietlikon, a picture-perfect suburb of Zurich. Anna is a very complicated character who is depressive and narcissistic and has alot of problems where she attends an therapist but is falling apart inside.  In order to escape this she tries to mask it by engaging in short-lived but intense sexual affairs. She lies to everyone, her husband, therapist, friends and her lovers.

Is her affair about to be exposed??  Unfortunately, Anna crosses a line where she sets off a terrible chain of events that ends in an unspeakable tragedy.  Her life crashes down around her, Anna must then discover where one must go when there is no going back.

Yes, I really enjoyed this book but at times it is an uncomfortable read.  It was gripping, extremely sensual with some steamy scenes added in, raw and incredibly sad in parts.  I found I had a little tear in my eye at the end along with shedding a few along the way, so grab this book, curl up on the couch and prepare to have a few lump in your throat moments too.  It definitely didn't disappoint.  I would even go as far to say that Haudfrau IS definitely a must read for book clubs because there is no way a person can read this one without having a strong opinion.

Hausfrau is been compared to being the new Fifty Shades of Grey but I have to disagree, having read all 3 books in the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, I thought that Hausfrau was SO much better, it was well written with strong characters and it had a really good, believable story.

This is Jill Alexander Essbaum's debut novel and I look forward to reading her next book (no pressure) but I will definitely read more of her work.

Hausfrau is available on Kindle and from all good bookstores.

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