Saturday 18 August 2018

REVIEW ~ The Fear by C.L. Taylor

With huge thanks to Avon Books and Sabah Khan, I received a copy of The Fear in exchange for an honest review..........

When Lou Wandsworth was fourteen she ran away to France with her teacher Mike Hughes, she thought he was the love of her life and they'd be together forever. As the time goes on Lou starts to find out that Mike isn’t what she thought he was, he left her life in pieces.

Now 32, Lou discovers that he is up to his old tricks again and is involved with teenager Chloe Meadows. Determined to make sure history doesn’t repeat itself, she returns home to confront him for the damage he’s caused.

But Mike is a predator of the worst kind, and as Lou tries to bring him to justice, it’s clear that she could once again become his prey......

Well, I didn't just like it, I absolutely LOVED it. It was just brilliant, I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to see how the story panned out. There were a few parts where I could feel my heart beating steadily in my chest and as I was so consumed in reading The Fear, there were a few times where I forgot to breathe so as Cally deals with the story of grooming with great sensitivity and compassion and is so well researched and written. I've loved all of Cally's books and I thought that The escape was brilliant, well The Fear was even more brilliant, you knocked this one out of the park girl. 

The Fear is available in all good bookshops, libraries, on audio and on Kindle where it is currently £2.99 at the time of publication of this review.

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