Sunday, 4 February 2018

BLOG TOUR ~ Perfect Death by Helen Fields

Hi Everyone,

Today is my stop on the Blog Tour for Perfect Death by Helen Fields where I welcome Helen to my blog once again where she has kindly provided an extract. I was thrilled to be asked by Sabah Khan from Avon Books to take part along with some other fab book bloggers. You can find out who else is taking part in this fabulous Blog Tour at the end of the extract so without further ado, here it is:

Spreading his palms wide on the door to the hospital mortuary suite, he breathed in slowly and deeply. 

‘I’m here, Cordelia,’ he said. ‘Thank you.’ 

He imagined her body covered by a sheet, and wondered why anyone bothered to hide corpses from the world. Was it that the living feared staring into the eyes of death or that the dead shouldn’t be bothered by the still beating hearts going about their business around them? More likely, he thought, that it was all too easy to imagine the dead as monstrous. He knew monsters. He understood them. None of the ones he’d met had ever been dead. They had promised him safety in their foster homes. They had smiled and lied, talked about him above his head in legal speak, acted as if they cared. The dead were harmless enough. 

A nurse rounded the corner, head down, studying a brown folder thick with patient notes. He stepped back to let her pass. Cordelia was gone. He regretted not having been there within sight of her at the end, but he couldn’t have it all his own way. Imagining her death, knowing the symptoms she would have suffered, was enough and he hoped it was not too painful a passing. He was capable of empathy, no matter what the experts said about sociopaths. His priority now was to make the most of Cordelia’s death. To wring every tiny emotion from it. Dying for nothing would be the ultimate insult, after all. He slid his right hand into his trouser pocket and ran his fingers along the length of the beautiful ink-pen he had yet to add to his box of treasures.

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