Friday 9 March 2018

REVIEW ~ Friend Request by Laura Marshall

Maria wants to be friends.  But Maria is dead.

Louise did a very bad thing back in 1989 when she was in school to an unliked girl named Maria Weston which sadly resulted in her missing, presumed dead. Fast forward to 2016 where Louise lives everyday with the guilt and regret over what happened all those years ago Louise Williams receives a message from someone left long in the past she feels sick.

"Maria Weston wants to be friends on Facebook".

Maria Weston has been missing for over twenty years. She was last seen the night of a school leavers' party, and the world believes her to be dead. Particularly Louise, who has lived her adult life knowing herself responsible for Maria's disappearance. But now Maria is back and wants all the students that were in that year of 1989 to have a school reunion so when other past students receive the invite to the reunion, they think that maybe Maria is somehow alive, or is she??

Well, this was absolutely brilliant, I really loved it and couldn't turn the pages fast enough.  We all know how we've benefited from social media over the years with the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and dating apps but also the dangers that lurk of these platforms too as there's been many a story of people been stalked, harassed and even lives have been taken due to suicide.  This book is only too real of what could possibly happen and Laura researched this really well.  I didn't know who to trust or what to believe and I thought I'd had it worked out but was shocked as I got to the part where all was revealed.  When I finished this I did find myself going onto Facebook to make sure my privacy settings where still set to the way I wanted as you'd never know who would try and contact you, even from beyond the grave!!


Friend Request is available in all good bookshops, libraries and on Kindle and is currently £1.99 at the time of publication of this review.

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