Saturday 28 April 2018

BLOG TOUR ~ Guilt by Amanda Robson

Hi Everyone,

Today is my stop on the Blog Tour for Guilt by Amanda Robson where I welcome Amanda to my blog where he has kindly provided me with a guest post on "10 things you didn't know about Miranda and Zara". I was thrilled to be asked by Sabah Khan from Avon Books to take part along with some other fab book bloggers. You can find out who else is taking part in this fabulous Blog Tour at the end of this piece so without further ado, here it is:

Ten things you didn’t know about Miranda and Zara


1. Zara never thought she would end up with someone as attractive as Sebastian. Despite her own good looks, and the copious attention she has received since her mid-teens, she always figured she would end up with someone ordinary.

2. She is far more intellectual than her friends realise. She loves to read philosophy books and is considering studying a philosophy degree with the Open University when she has finished her photography course.

3. Whenever Zara is separated from her sister, or her mother, she texts them every day.

4.  She has been interested in photography since she was four years old, when her Mum first gave her a Kodak instamatic. She sees the world around her as a series of photographs. Sometimes her dreams come to her in snap-shots.

5. Zara is interested in reading about religion. Her favourite is Buddhism, although she hasn’t fully embraced it yet.

6. She only watches Strictly and X-factor to please the people around her.

7. She prefers alcohol to other recreational drugs. E is her second favourite.

8. When she and Sebastian are married she wants to travel to India for a prolonged honeymoon. She wants to see the Taj Mahal, the Temples of Varanasi, the marble fortress of Dehli, and to visit Goa and Kerala.

9. She prefers animals to children, and would rather have a puppy than a baby. Lhasa Apso are her favourite breed of dog. A non-sporting dog bred to guard Tibetan monasteries. They look a bit like Dougal from the Magic Roundabout, who looks super-cute in old clips on You Tube.

10. Zara is currently designing her own body art. Roses and dragons. It will cover her whole torso.


1. Miranda is more highly strung than people realise. She has been attempting to balance her brain biochemistry with St John’s Wort for many years.

2. As a child she often wanted to swop places with Zara, as less was expected of Zara academically.

3. Her nick name at school was Captain Sensible, which upset her very much. She has always wanted to be considered fun loving like her sister.

4. Having said that she hates night clubs. She doesn’t like being surrounded by people high on drugs. Loud music makes her ears pop.

5. Even though she  doesn’t have a garden at her flat, she loves reading books on gardening.

6. She wants to get married and have children. More than two.

7. At school she had a long term crush on her maths teacher. He is a big part of the reason she is an accountant now.

8. She had her first kiss at seventeen.

9. Favourite TV programmes: EastEnders, Holby City, Strictly and X-factor.

10. Favourite author: Sophie Kinsella.

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